Despite the hard economic times this country is suffering through, I have pulled through and landed a job. This was not the easiest thing for me--a fresh-out of-college-English-major-with-limited-experience-girl. Not many companies right now are looking for someone with my impressive, yet limited skills right now. But I kept looking. Funny thing though--I got two offers in the same week. Ahhh--finally someone recognizing my talent--or something like that. My choice came down to either working at a job I would hate, and which would pretty much kill any social life I could have but paid REALLY well and great benefits, OR a job that would challenge me give me good experience and leadership/managing skills and be a great environment (albeit a little crazy at times) but pays considerably less and not as good benefits. Oh the joys of grown up life. Can you guess which one I took.
Yes, it was the one with less pay. Go figure--in the economic crisis of our country I VOLUNTEERED to take less pay.
But, maybe then I will enjoy my job--maybe. But at least I won't be stuck in a dead end job that I will hate. The job I am taking I am committed to September--if it works out for longer great, but if something better comes up after that then I am free to take it. So--wish me luck, the newest office manager/assistant/receptionist/whatever of the pest control world (I know--its terribly exciting.)