This is my little brother. My baby Brother. I guess in a way, I still picture him being 12...yet somehow, he is almost nineteen. 19! When did he grow up? I have noticed that he got taller then me--but figured that isn't too hard. I may recall his voice getting deeper. I hear rumors that he's had girlfriends and gone off to college. None of that made me realize he is no longer twelve--though they were pretty big clues. What did it? Thursday March 25, my baby brother received his call to serve as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for the next two years. He is going to Anaheim California. He leaves in just two short months. So while I am attempting to get over the fact that my baby brother is no longer a baby--I am very proud of him, and the person he has become. I can't wait to see what great things he will do with his life and hear about all the people he meets in California. I love you Hyrum!