Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Recently (and by recently I mean two minutes ago) I was asked this question, "why do you have a blog when you have facebook?" If I am not using it...there is no point. So to ALL my blog readers...(who am I kidding...there aren't many of you I know....or any...not really sure) I thought I would give a brief update on the happenings of my EVER so exciting life. Well. I guess I should let you decide how exciting it is.

First off, I have moved in to my own apartment!!! HURRAY! I love it. Its small, but cozy. It is two minutes from work--which I REALLY love. But mostly...its mine! Don't get me wrong. I loved all (or most) of the roommates I have had in the past. had good times with all of them. But it was time to move on. Be a Real adult (scary right?) Now, I can stay up as late as I want, go to bed as early as I want with out worrying about disturbing anyone or being disturbed by anyone (well...except the neighbors upstairs...) I can have people over whenever I want. I have PLENTY of alone time...except for something I will explain in a minute...but thats my choosing to not be alone :) All and all...living alone has been FANTASTIC so far. But its only been two weeks....time will tell. Pictures to come as soon as I finish putting everything in its place :/

Next, I have been dating this pretty amazing guy. He's fun to be around. He's sweet and very thoughtful, smart and have I mentioned amazing? He's very musically talented, also great with computers (well he does work at a computer store after all) and all and all pretty terrific. We have been dating for about 3 months now. I do have pictures with him. We had a little photo booth session on Sunday. It was quite entertaining. If you want to see the random crazy pictures, checkout Facebook. Here is my favorite. Derek is awesome!!!! You see why I still don't have much "alone time?"


Shaylah said...

I read your blog! I think I am the opposite...why have facebook when I have a blog? I hardly ever am on facebook, but now I know what I've been missing! I'll have to go and stalk you for a minute! Glad to hear your still alive and doing well! Love ya!

Trav and Lizzie said...

SO happy for you sista!!
Love you and continue to follow your cute blog.
Did I mention I am so happy for you?

Kimberly said...

I follow your blog and have been waiting for you to post something new. I am excited about your new place and your semi-new guy. Here is my motherly advice: Don't spend too much "alone time" with your new guy in your new place. Luv ya lots!
P.S. Pretty sure I am the favorite past roommate :)!!

laura said...

cute post! you just radiate happiness. i definitely follow your blog, so keep the posts coming. :) and i'm excited to see you soon!