I spent my LAST year at BYU-Idaho.
I had 14 roommates (Don't ask) one of which was my awesome sister Molly!
I hit my one year mark of being home from my mission.
I got to spend the summer in Palmyra and as a part of that I ....
Went to the Sacred grove several times a week.
Visited Niagara Falls
Visited The 1000 Islands
Went to Lake Ontario
Went to the Hill Cumorah Pageant
PLUS LOTS LOTS MORE! (See old posts!)
Mourned the passing of my beloved Grandma. (I still miss you Grandma)
Visited my Mission!
Played on a Volleyball team until....
I got hurt playing walleyball in walleyball class (it is still not completely better--sad I didn't finish my season)
Got one new Niece and found out that I have either a niece or a nephew coming in 200
And last but not least--I GRADUATED FROM BYU-Idaho with a Bachelors of Science degree in English Literature!