Wednesday, December 10, 2008


So...maybe you have heard the awesome news. Maybe you haven' let me tell you. I am Graduating. As of Friday, December 12, 2008, I am a graduate of BYU-Idaho. My degree--English literature (no, you cannot criticize my blog based on that.) And I have a minor in History. No I will not tell you what my GPA is, but I will take you on a photo tour of my last six years--minus my mission as that should be like four posts on its own. Here are pictures of just my time at school. Above are my "graduation" pictures. Can you tell how excited I am?!! Next we have the semesters following my mission. What fun I had with these roommates! And my old companions who came to visit!

Next we have my roommates right before the summer before my mission--and our "jungle" themed living room (ok, so all we could afford is that one was still cool).

In my first year in "the Burg" I learned quickly the term "cold." and "Ice". But it wasn't all bad. I we had lots of fun sledding and the like. And Halloween was a great time!

The rest of the picture are all my time at SVU--I can't believe it's been six years! Time sure has flown!


Anna said...

Rachel! You are graduating! I like your grad photo, btw. I'm glad we were roomies for a while (like, a 3-differents-apartments while), I miss those times sometimes ... I miss hanging out with you and all that. :( But hey, we'll run into each other in the future. Anyway, congrats again on gradumating!

Bree Johnson said...

RACH! You are the woman - How exciting that all your hard work is done! I heart you and our tree and hot coco :)

The Dansies said...

Rachel! Congratulations, and happy belated Birthday, I'm a loser, but I didn't forget! I am so excited for you and can't wait to hear where you are headed next. YOu have done so many fun and exciting things the last few years. I miss you so much. I'm so glad I found you at SVU and that our hometowns are close enought that we might get to see each other occasionally. YOu gonna be around over Christmas?

Kimberly said...

Congrats on the graduation. I am very happy for you!! So what are the plans now??

I am happy to be that I made it twice on your posts of college memories! Good times!!

I love your graduation picture-you look really good!

Luv ya lots!