A couple weeks ago, my friends here were kind enough to go with me back to my mission. We took a little road trip to Kirtland. It was amazing! the closer we got, the m
ore I excited I became. The sensation of being back there was weird. It felt as if I had never left, but as we went to the sites...I realized I had been gone a long time. I recognized no one, and they did things differently then when I was there. (New site director) But, the spirit was still there. I am impressed...I only cried twice. Once during the kirtland movie, and once in the School of the prophet. We also got to see the "This is Kirtland" play, and that was amazing!
That's fun that you got to go back. congrats on not crying more than you did. How did your friends enjoy that trip? Maybe you would have enjoyed it more if you had gone by yourself and then you could have cried all you wanted :) :)!!
Okay so, I had a random dream and you were in it. We were like, at this pizza place and we knew some people there who worked there and we all kept taking stuff out of the kitchen and using them for the food fight. Then I seem to remember going to this mailbox and getting your mail for you. ...I dunno, but anyways, just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you. :D
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