This weekend was very exciting. President Uchtdorf came to stay at the Palmyra Inn. We were all very excited, but had to make sure that we were professional and didn't chase him down like some of the other guests at the hotel. But, I did get to listent o him speak in sacrament meeting. It was so incredible. He talked about how neat it was to be in the sacred grove and how beautiful it is, but then he talked about ouw we could have the same experince anywhere we are because what matters is what is in our hearts. He also talked about the importance of asking questions. he said that the gospel invites us to ask questions, and it provides the answers, as long as we ask in the same spirit that a forteen year old boy asked in the sacred grove in 1820. Then he talked about the hymn that we sang, "America the Beautiful." he was so funny about it. He said that we have it memorized because we are american. but that they have a different passport. then he went through the last two lins of the song and applied it to the gospel. It seriously was the coolest thing.
I just checked him out, and it was a little intimidating. I wasn't quite sure what to say...its funny because he sort of holds star status in the lds community, but lits like a holy status, so you can't eract in the same way...I wanted to be respectful and business I think I ended up saynig something along the lines of "have a safe day" You know have a good day, and safe travels all rolled into one. Smooth byers....real smooth. Oh well. It still was the coolest thing ever!